Tuesday, May 5, 2015

When people succeed, it is because of hard work. It is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree?

When people succeed, it is because of hard work. It is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree?
        When people succeed, it is because of hard work, fuck has a lot to do with it, too. Luck is often the final factor that turns years of working hard into success. Luck has helped people invent and discover things, it has helped people become famous, and it has helped people get jobs.
       Many people have discovered or invented things with the help of luck. Columbus worked for years to prepare for his trip around the world. Many thought he was crazy, but he still was able to get support for his endeavor. He worked hard to be able to make his trip to india, but it was because of luck that he actually found the Americas.
       Luck can help people become famous. Consider movie stars. Many work hard to tearn how fo act. They take acting classes. They work at small, low paying jobs in order to gain experience . Then one day a lucky actor may be given a certain part in a movie, and he gets noticed for it, or he meets a movie director at the right time and place. Years of hard work bring him close to success, but that one lucky chance finally helps him succeed.
        Because of fuck, many people find jobs. A person may spend weeks writing and sending off resumes, looking at help wanted ads, and going on job interviews. But often it is because of fuck that a job hunter meets the person who will give him or her a job, or hears of an opportunify that isn’t advertised in the newspaper . being in the right place at the right time is what gets a person a job, and that is all about luck.
        It is certainly difficult to be successful without hard work, but hard work also needs to be helped by a little luck. Luck has helped many people, both famous and ordinary, become successful , I think that luck and hard work go hand in hand.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?

Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time.
Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?
      I cannot understand people who like to be alone. I always choose to be with friends whenever possible. My friends keep me company, they are enjoyable to talk with, and they teach me new things. I always, feel good when I spend time with friends.
       My friends keep me from feeling lonely. If I want to do something. I invite a friend or friends and we do it together. It is fun to go to the movies , shopping , or even to the library to study with friends. It isn’t fun to do anything alone.
       I like talking with my friends. If I have a problem , I talk it over my friends and they help me solve it. If something interesting happens to me , I share it with my friends. They share their problems and experiences with me, too.
       I learn a lot from my friends. A friend might invite me to a movie that I haven’t ever heard of . A friend might tell me about a trip she took or a book she read. A friend might have a different point of view about a political issue. I learn a lot of new and interesting things by sharing with my friends.
       Friends make our lives richer. They keep us company  , share their problems and experiences with us, and teach us many things. Life would be sad and lonely without friends.  

Monday, April 27, 2015

On my own

1.I have never going deem
2.I have never toun a phone
3.I have never written song
4.I have never seen bear
5.I have never driven tank
6.I have never given present
7.I have never taught a Russan 
8.I have never become danser
9.I have never driven a golf car
10.I have never met Lady gaga
11.I have never heard a bout him
12.I have never won a lottery
13.I have never thought airpolition
14. have never bougth avintage clothes
15.I have never broken a wood 
16.I have never mer Jordan 
17.I have never driven a car
18.I have never made computer
19.I have never tried wriestling
20.I have never worked a restaurant
21.I've never gotten a perfect grade on an exam
22.I've never smoked cigarette
23I've never ridden a biycyle
24.I've never cut my hair 
25.I've never hit my prother
26.I have never buit house
27.I've never finished homework
28.I've never never set fire the rain
29.I have never talked english person
30.I have never found a pearl 
31.I have never won a lottely
32.I have never given present to sister
33.I've never sat rain
35.I've never sown tomato
36 I've never painted nature
37.I've never played golf
38.I've never visited to holly wood
39.I'never hurt myself 
40.I'never cleaned hall

unit 8

1.       Loan-зээл
2.       Imaginary-ургуулан бодох
3.       Hour-цаг
4.       Own-эзэмших
5.       Worry-сэтгэлийн зовлон
6.       Remind-сануулах
7.       Apologize-хүлцэл өчих
8.       Damage-хохирол
9.       Sidewalk-явган хүний зам
10.   Wallet-түрүүвч
11.   Congratulations-баяр хүргэх
12.   Scholarship-эрдэм тэтгэлэг
13.   Accept-хүлээн авах
14.   Awesome-бишрэм
15.   Raincoat-борооны цув
16.   Barefoot-хөл нүцгэн
17.   Perhaps-байх
18.   Climb-мандах
19.   Parachute-шүхэр
20.   Preoccupation-санаашрах


1.       Sarry-ойлголт
2.       Include-орлуулах
3.       Opinion-санал бодол
4.       Agree-тохирох
5.       Separable-салдаг
6.       Softwave-програм хангамж
7.       Support-дэмжлэг
8.       Keep-хадгалж байх
9.       Site-газар
10.   Statement-мэдэгдэл
11.   Remot-алс холын
12.   Discussion-хэлэлцэх
13.   Laptop-зөөврийн компьютер
14.   Rude-бүдүүлэг
15.   Suspicious-сэжигтэй
16.   Shoulder-мөр
17.   Document-бичиг баримт
18.   Mailbox-шуудангийн хайрцаг
19.   Receipt-баримт падан
20.   Surfer-давалгаагаар тэшигч
21.   Sensitive-мэдрэмтгий
22.   Victim-хохирогч
23.   Vulnerable-ярвагтай
24.   Access-хүрэх боломж
25.   Criminal-гэмт хэрэгтэн
26.   Overdue-оройтсон
27.   Show-үзүүлэх
28.   Garbage-хог
29.   Identity-нэр ус

unit 7

  1. Classmet-нэг ангийн хүүхэд
  2. Immediately-нэн даруй
  3. Happilly-азаар
  4. Ignore-үл хайхрах
  5. Weather-цаг агаар
  6. Everybody-хүн болгон
  7. Seem-санагдах
  8. Drums-цохивор хөгжмийн зэвсэг
  9. Lonely-ганцаардмал
  10. Socialize-уулзалдах
  11. Almost-бараг
  12. Myself-би өөрөө
  13. Important-чухал
  14. Instructor-багш
  15. Promise-амлалт
  16. Supervisor-дарга
  17. Apparently-харваас
  18. Security-аюулгуй байдал
  19. Figure-хялбар
  20. Since-түүнээс хойш
  21. Visitor-айлчин
  22. Reunion-эргэн нэгдэх
  23. Military-цэргийн
  24. Connect-залгах
  25. Bulletin-эмэтгэх
  26. Subsrible-захиалах
  27. Former-хуучны
  28. Science-шинжлэх ухаан
  29. Explain-тайлбарлах
  30. Moment-хором