Saturday, February 14, 2015

unit 1

new word

  1. Deadline-  эцсийн
  2. Properly-зөв зохистой
  3. Often- байн байн
  4. Street- гудамж
  5. Recklessly- болчимгүйтэх
  6. Traffic- хөдөлгөөн
  7. Easily- амархан
  8. Horn- чагнаал дуу дохио
  9. Carefully- хянуур
  10. Seriously- үнхээр
  11. Lose-  хожигдогч
  12. Strongly- хүчтэй
  13. Quickly- удаан
  14. Conversation- яриа хөөрөөтэй
  15. Airport- нисэх онгоцны буудал
  16. Behind- ард
  17. Counter-  лангуу
  18. Patiently- тэвчээртэй
  19. Something- зарим
  20. Assignment- тушаал
  22. Strongly- бөх (бат)
  23. Different- ялгаатай
  24. Highway- хурданий зам
  25. Question- эргэлзээ
  26. Alternative- орлох
  27. Rise- өгсүүр
  28. Vocabulary-  үгийн баялаг
  29. Someone- хэн нэгэн
  30. Arrogant- ихэрхүү
  31. Laid- back- амгалан
  32. Along- дагуу (цаашаа, урагшаа)
  33. Generous- өгөөмөр сэтгэлтэй
  34. Reliable- найдвартай
  35. Personality-  алдартай хүн
  36. Relaxed-  тайван
  37. Stronger-
  38. Negative- сөрөг
  39. Disorganized- зохион байгуулалтгуй
  40. Easy-going- амгалан
  41. Horseback- морь унсан
  42. Accordion- баян хуур
  43. Gallantry- боловсон зан
    1. Rewrite the sentences so that they have an opposite meaning. Use the words in the box.
                                  Badly           happy           mean           rude
    1.       My father drives really well.  (badly)           
    2.       My best friend can be very kind.  (mean)
    3.       My boss is an extremely polite person.  (rude)
    4.       I was pretty unhappy in school.  (happy)
    2.     For each of the underlined words , think of a word with an opposite meaning. 
    1.       I have pretty loud voice.(quiet)
    2.       My mother is extremely demanding.(teckle)
    3.       I’m usually late for appointments.()
    4.       My brother eats very quickly.(slowly)
    5.       I think English is difficult. (easy)
    6.       My sister and l have similar tastes.(dessmi)
    3.     Word builder use the prefixes im-, in-, un-,and dis-to creat  opposite meanings for  these words. Use a dictionary to help you fing or check the opposites you don’t know.
    1.       He ‘s patient. (impatient)
    2.       She’s honest. (dishonest)
    3.       He’s friendly. (unfrendly)
    4.       He’s competent. (incompetent)
    5.       They’re organized. (disorganized)
    6.       He looks healthy . (unhealthy)
    7.       She’s reliable. (unreliable)
    8.       She’s considerate. (inconsiderate)

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