Monday, April 27, 2015

үнхээр хэрэгтэй esse

1.                          Many students have to live with a roommate while going to school or college.
                              What are some of the important qualities of good roommate?
       If is important to have a good roommate. A good roommate can become your best friend , but a bad roommate can be your worst enemy. A good roommate is considerate , flexible, and fun.
        A good roommate is considerate of your needs. He doesn't make noise when you want to sleep or study. He doesn't plan a party or use your things without  asking. A good roommate doesn't think only about himself ;he thinks about you too.
        A good roommate is flexible. He can adjust to your habits. If you are neat and your roommate is messy, for example, you each try to change a little bit. Your roommate tries to be a little neater and you try to live with a little mess.
         Finally, good roommate id fun. If he knows about a party or a concert, he invites you to go with him. He introduces you to his friends. You plan some free time activities together . A good roommate is may be serious about his studies, but he knows that it is important to have fun, too.
          It is great to have a roommate who can be your friend, too. If your roommate is considerate, flexible, and fun, you are sure to get along well together.
considerate- ухаалаг , flexible- уян хатан, activity-үйл ажилгаа
2.                                  Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using 
                                                     machines . Which do you prefer
          I prefer using machines to doing work by hand. Machines can work faster and more  neatly than i can, and they never get tired .
          Machines are fast. if I want to write a letter, it takes me a certain amount of time. If I write ten letters by hand, it takes ten times as long. if I use a computer, on the other hand, I just write the letter once, then tell the printer to make  ten copies.
Or I can use a photocopy machine. Either way, it's much faster than doing all the work by hand.
          Machines are neat. They don't make mistakes and cut the wrong way . They don't get distracted and spill coffee sn the paper. They do job over and over again , each time as neatly as the tima before. I could never be as neat as a machine. 
           Machines are never get tired. You can set a photocopy machine to make 25 copies or 250 copies . It ha makes no difference to the machine how many copies it has make. An answering machine answers calls in the middle of the night as well as it does in the morning . If I work a lot , I get tired , and I can't work at all in the middle of the night . I can depend on machines, but I can't always depend on myself to be fats, neat, and tireless.

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